sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Night Creature I have become

And I have come back, sort of like.
I walk and do, yet not feel as in the past.
Night creature I have become, I see now.
Most people´s eyes squint in the light,
yet thank God for a new day.
Instead I roll in pain as the morning comes,
curse the minute the sun comes up.
I only can praise Him if I manage
to make it through to yet another night.
Darkness with playful stars,
Cool breeze with night animal sounds,
Comforting night, black mantle o´er my mind:
A night creature I have become, I see now.
Stone has take place of mine heart,
Iced my soul has become for,
A night creature I have become, I see now...

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


"...en mis sueños sé que notas que te miro.
En ese instante sabes que recuerdo
cada detalle de tu cuerpo,
tu aroma, tus caricias y tus besos.
Hemos sido el uno del otro.
Hemos llegado a ser uno solo
y eso jamás cambiará,
ni dejará de ser y así será
que siempre notarás que no
sólo en sueños te miro,
no te olvido..y es así 
como siempre
lo recordarás".